Prescription and non-prescription medications either inhibit/suppress or stimulate/raise a targeted function in the body. The medical philosophy strives to alter physiology of the patient to cover up symptoms while creating a toxic environment that interferes and damages other parts of the body in the process. The drug model, NO DOUBT, affects the body with noticeable and/or unnoticeable side affects/reactions.
Chiropractic restores normal function, drugs disrupt normal function. It would be difficult to do both at the same time. One is either moving in the direction of a healthier life or toward the direction of sickness and disease.
I am Doctor Clay Kosinko from Health First Family Chiropractic. My chiropractic office is in Ajax, Ontario. For more information on how to live a healthier life with Chirorpactic care, visit my website at
content from Voice for Health magazine, 2008 national health education society, inc