Chronic Ear
Infections, Strep Throat, 50% Right Ear Hearing Loss, Adenoiditis and Asthma
Case history: 4
1/2 year old female with chronic ear infections, strep
throat, (on and off for 4 years) 50% right ear hearing loss,
adenoiditis and asthma. Had been on antibiotics (Ceclor), developed
pneumonia, on bronchodilators and anti-inflammatory for
asthma. Also given steroids. ENT diagnosed child with
enlarged adenoids. Surgery to remove child's adenoids and
to put tubes in her ears was scheduled. Chiropractic
history: cervical (C2)and thoracic (T3) and right
sacroiliac subluxation. Numerous enlarged lymph nodes and
muscle spasm. Chiropractic care of 2x/week for 6 weeks
scheduled. After 3 or 4 adjustments mother noticed "a changed child,
she has life in her body again...acting like a little girl
again for the first time in 4 years." After 6 weeks,
pediatrician and ENT noticed no sign of ear infection or
inflammation, "Her adenoids, which were the worst the ENT
has ever seen, were perfectly normal and healthy. Hearing
tests revealed no hearing loss. Family told M.D.s 'all
medication was stopped 6 weeks ago when chiropractic care
started.' Shocked and confused by this answer, the family
was told to continue chiropractic care because it had obviously
worked.'"G. Thomas Kovacs, D.C. International Chiropractic Pediatric Association Newsletter. July 1995.
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