Sunday, 16 September 2012

A Chiropractic Miracle Story Must See!

The First Subluxation

First Subluxation?Birth today has become a technological experience where a natural process has been replaced with artificial procedures and schedules. Without the necessary support during pregnancy, women enter the birth process with fear and are led to rely on drugs instead of their bodies' own natural strengths 1. These drugs weaken her body's ability to function and lead to even further interventions 2. The more interventions used in birth, the greater the risk of injury to both the mother and baby 3. Subluxation damage can be caused by a constricted uterus, a breech presentation or a difficult delivery. Cases in which there is vacuum extraction or excessive force, the spine is always traumatized.
During Birth, delicate nerves are traumatized and stretched. The spinal cord is twisted and torque. Cranial bones are squeezed and jammed. Most children experiencing birth in our society have been subjected to trauma. Did the routine procedures of birth in our society cause the first subluxation in your child?

According to Abraham Towbin, MD: "The birth process ... is potentially a traumatic, crippling event ... mechanical stress imposed by obstetrical manipulation-even the application of standard orthodox procedures may prove intolerable to the fetus ... most signs of neonatal injury observed in the delivery room are neurological." 4.

Research is confirming chiropractors' observations that infants may suffer from spinal subluxations. In one study, 1,250 babies were examined five days after birth; 211 of them suffered from vomiting, hyperactivity and sleeplessness. Subluxations were found in 95% of this group. Although the researchers in this study were MDs, they recognized the power of chiropractic care and these babies were given the care they needed. The spinal adjustment "frequently resulted in immediate quieting, cessation of crying, muscular relaxation and sleepiness." The authors noted that an unhealthy spine causes "many clinical features from central motor impairment to lowered resistance to infections- especially ear, nose and throat infections." The above study discusses an 18-month-old boy suffering from tonsillitis, frequent enteritis, therapy-resistant conjunctivitis, frequent colds, earaches and increasing sleeping problems. He received his first chiropractic spinal adjustment and immediately thereafter the child demanded to be put to bed and slept peacefully until morning. His health returned to normal 5. One wonders, what would have happened to this child if he never had chiropractic care? A life of antibiotics and other medications? A life of continued sickness? 

When does A Baby need A Spinal Checkup?

According to the chiropractic pediatric specialist Larry Webster, DC, there are six times in a baby's first year of life when chiropractic examinations are especially important:

• After the birth process.
• When the baby starts to hold his/her head up.
• When the baby sits up.
• When the baby starts to crawl.
• When the baby starts to stand.
• When the baby starts to walk.6.

Toddlerhood through childhood is a very "physical" time. Children are generally extremely active, and during a routine day, their bodies are subjected to wrestling, jolts, falls etc. taking their spines outside the normal ranges of motion. This day by day stress on the spine can produce vertebral subluxations which results in abnormal nerve flow which then results in abnormal nerve flow, which then results in named disease entities. While most falls are minor, at times they can cause nerve-damaging subluxations with serious long-term consequences.3 For that reason all children need periodic spinal check-ups.

What are the benefits of chiropractic for kids?

Over many decades parents, clinicians, and researchers have noticed positive changes in behavioral, physical, and emotional health of children under chiropractic care. Behavioral conditions such as ADD/ADHD, anxiety, and also focus, concentration, and grades in school have been observed to improve with chiropractic care.

The nervous system collectively controls and influences all bodily functions; consequently removing nerve interference can result in improvement of many different health problems. Improvement is commonly seen in conditions such as colic, constipation, ear infections, allergies, asthma, sinus infections, persistent bedwetting, stomach aches, "growing pains" in the legs or arms, headaches, back and neck pain, scoliosis, and abnormal gait among many others.

Now you know the WHY and the HOW.


Don’t wait until you children show signs of symptoms to get their spine checked. Symptoms are usually the last thing to show up and the first to go away. It is easier to grow healthy children than to repair damaged adults. Life is so much better when your children never seem to get sick or have health problems. Compare that to the norm of routinely going from appointment to appointment constantly treating the symptoms of ill health.

It is not uncommon for me to hear parents state that their children don’t get sick as often and when they do get sick, it isn’t as severe. They begin to notice how their children have less ear infections and take fewer antibiotics (if any) and other drugs than other children. Starting from birth, remove interference to the body's inborn ability to heal itself and allow children to reach their health potential throughout their life.

Healthier People = Healthier Planet


I am Dr. Clay Kosinko - Chiropractor in Ajax, Ontario out of Health First Family Chiropractic. I hope that you found this blog useful. If your child hasn't seen a chiropractor yet, please make an appointment today before it is too late.

For more information you can visit our website at

 In Good Health,
Dr. Clay Kosinko
Health First Family Chiropractic
335 Bayly St. W. Ajax, ON

1. Sakala C. Content of care by independent midwives assistance with pain in labor & birth. Soc Sci Med 1998; 26(11): 1141-1158
2. Kiminski HM, Stafl. A & Aiman J. The effect of epidural anesthesia on the frequency of instrumental obstetric delivery. Obstet Gynecol 1987; 69 (5) 770-773
3. Benedetti T. “Birth Injury and Method of Delivery” Editorial NEJM 1999 Vol 341, No. 23
4. Towbin A. Latent spinal cord and brain stem injury in newborn infants Develop. Med. Child Neurol. 1969; 11:54-68
5. Gutman G Blocked atlantal nerve syndrome in babies and infants. Manuelle Medizin, 1987;25:5-10 & ICA review o f chiropractic july/august 1990 page 38.
6. Webster L. International Chiropractic Association Certification program, Module 1. Toronto, Canada. March 11, 1995

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