"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The next best time is now." - Chinese Proverb
Girl With Epilepsy Improves After Chiropractic Care
The February 3, 2011 issue of the Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research reports on the case of a nine year-old girl with a form of epilepsy who experienced a dramatic resolution of her condition after a short course of chiropractic care.According to researchers Susan Hooper, PhD, DC & Allison Manis, DC, the young girl had been diagnosed by a neurologist with occipital lobe epilepsy a year previous to seeking chiropractic care. The neurologist recommended the anti-convulsion drug Neurontin.The girl's mother sought out chiropractic care after her daughter began to experience uncontrollable eye-blinking in her left eye in the previous two weeks. The eye-blinking was accompanied by nystagmus, an uncontrolable ratcheting movement of the eye. The eye movement episodes were intermittent and increased when the patient was tired.
The girl's mother also described fainting spells that occurred every three months. The fainting spells also included seizures, tics, spasms and dizziness. Her chiropractic examination revealed vertebral subluixations (misalignments) at the C1, C2 and C4 levels. After her first adjustment, the girl's symptoms decreased and only occurred at night. After two months of care, her blinking had stopped completely. Six weeks after her first adjustment, the blinking returned after the girl experienced pain and headache after a fall. Two more adjustments were delivered and the symptoms decreased significantly.
Follow-up over a two year period finds that no recurrence of the eye blinking or other symptoms have occurred. After discussing three previous similar studies, the authors concluded "evidence from this case supports the elimination of the upper cervical subluxation in the resolution of occipital lobe epilepsy signs and symptoms."
Commentary: The three studies quoted to support the research all involved children who were suffering numerous seizures every day who, when placed under chiropractic care, improved significantly.
In the studies, a 5 month-old who was having 8 seizures a day before chiropractic went to no seizures after a six week period of care. Another 5 year-old went from 2-3 seizures every two hours to less than one seizure per day and was taken off his anti-seizure medication entirely. The third child, also 5 years-old, started care at 30 seizures per day and after only 10 months of care was classified as non-epileptic by his neurologist.
- I am Dr. Clay Kosinko - Chiropractor in Ajax, Ontario out of Health First Family Chiropractic. I hope that you found this blog useful. If you haven't been seen by a chiropractor yet, please make an appointment today before it is too late.
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In Good Health,
Dr. Clay KosinkoHealth First Family Chiropractic
335 Bayly St. W. Ajax, ON
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